Fairey Owners Club


ProfileID = [1762]
Opening hours
ContactMr Huw Prothero, Vice Commodore & Secretary
ProfileFairey Marine Ltd was created in the late 1940's by the love of yachting of Sir Richard Fairey and Fairey Aviation's Managing Director, Mr. Chichester-Smith. Both were avid sailing enthusiasts along with Chichester-Smith's good friend and former Olympic yachtsman, Charles Currey. Sir Richard and Mr. Chichester-Smith both decided that they should produce sailing dinghies and so recruited Charles Currey to help run the company when he came out of the Navy.

Many people are not aware that during the 1930's Sir Richard Fairey did in fact own the fabulous 'J' Class yacht 'SHAMROCK V'. He, along with Sir T.O.M. Sopwith spent much time modifying her both above and below the waterline to improve her speed. 'SHAMROCK V' was the first of the 'J' Class yachts and the only one never to fall into total disrepair.

In the resulting years, many thousands of now famous dinghies were produced by Fairey Marine including the Firefly, Albacore, Falcon, Swordfish, Jollyboat, Flying Fifteen, 505 and International 14's along with the much smaller Dinky and Duckling. Later on in the 1950's they produced the larger sailing cruisers, the Atalanta (named after Sir Richard's wife), Titania, Fulmar and the 27' Fisherman motor sailer (based on the Fairey Lifeboat hull) along with the 15 Cinderella (outboard runabout) and the 16'6" Faun (outboard powered family cruiser).
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