Orwell Yacht Club


ProfileID = [1867]
AddressBourne Bridge
Wherstead Road
Ipswich IP2 8LR
Phone01473 602288
Opening hoursBy arrangement only
ContactMr John Appleyard, Secretary
ProfileThe Orwell Yacht Club was founded in 1918 and is located at the head of the beautiful River Orwell. Deep water access to the river is via Ostrich Creek which the Club shares with Fox´s Marina. The premises comprise a modern purpose built Clubhouse with car, boat and dinghy parks and is conveniently situated just off the A12/A14. The centre of Ipswich, the County Town of Suffolk is just a mile and a half away. There are excellent communications into the heart of East Anglia and the neighbouring counties of Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.
Last updatedNot yet updated
Core Collection [1052]A collection of some 400 books. Only the book collection is catalogued.

Some files of photographs of boats, the club and the river Orwell, going back over many years.

A few historic records, including early minutes going back to the 1930s.

About 20 pictures of varying interest and quality.