![]() Input via FacebookApart from actual collections of material that you wish to let us know about (which can be done using our input forms) it has proved very useful to use one of the many facebook groups to report anecdotal information. This has the added advantage that other group members may comment and expand on a theme that you have introduced. Similarly, you may be able to add to or confirm information posted by others. Some of these are very active with some extremely knowledgeable members. Those we monitor are those that have historical input rather than current activities although relevant information may turn up anywhere - we would encourage users to re-post information that they feel should be shared with other groups. We monitor those listed below, so please join any relevant groups and do please let us know of others that you feel we should monitor - thanks. There are many other relevant pages, but if they are not set up as groups, it is harder to monitor. NB: this list needs updating - as more groups are being monitored.