
The types of organisations that may be expected to have material relevant to the Archive includes:

Maritime Museums mainly based around the coast or on major waterways, they may have a focus on subjects other than yachting, but may include some relevant material. A few will have major collections.
Local Museums may be expected to have accumulated material of local interest
County Archives act as the main repository of historical material, although they may have had a discretionary policy as to the types of material they will accept
Libraries mainly those with a maritime section and includes private libraries and rare book collectors/sellers
Yacht Designers incl. marine engineers. Very important and may contain substantial resources. Some of historic importance and no longer functioning may have been lost already or broken up and distributed.
Yacht Builders very important and may contain substantial resources. Some of historic importance and no longer functioning may have been lost already or broken up and distributed.
Yacht Brokers will have some history of yachts they have had on their books
Yacht/Sailing Clubs very important. Few clubs have appointed archivists and some have already disposed of old documents, etc.
Equipment suppliers incl. manufacturers, chandleries, etc
Publishers of books, magazines, etc.
Photographers incl. image/film libraries
Private Individuals many people will have acquired relevant material including top sailors,

We would encourage any of these organisations or individuals to register on this site and at least enter a short desription of their holdings so that the availability is known - it is by this means that public access may be provided (with appropriate agreement and protections).